Math Challenge 2016 Finals


The Math Challenge 2016 happened last week Saturday. I feel blessed and grateful to be a part of it. The Math Challenge was started with the individual examinations by the kids. The kids you see above are the winners of that challenge.

As an invigilator, it was a trip down memory lane for me. I wondered how years from now those kids would think about the day the same way I have memories of my teachers from primary school.

When the examinations ended, it was time for a break. During the break, we had to clear the tables for the team challenge. Once break ended, it was time for the group challenge. Teams were created and team guides were assigned to the various teams.

All in all, it was a fun event. Check out the pictures from our album on Facebook.

Teaching App Inventor to Kids

MIT App Inventor Logo

At work, its been really busy. With the start of a new year, we decided to teach mobile application development to kids ages 7 and above.

That decision led to me doing the edx App Inventor course last year. This year, I have developed a learning curriculum to teach the kids mobile computing. The lesson plans have been completed and our portfolio site is up. Some material from Mobile CSP was used in creating the curriculum so I dare say that I have done my homework.

I wish I could say I wasn’t nervous about tomorrow but it would be a lie. My experience in teaching kids has made me acknowledge the fact that kids have a way of throwing out the plan. So whilst I am confident of the content that I have spent time developing, somewhere at the back of my head is the knowledge that I might have to adapt my curriculum to the needs of the class.

Have a great weekend and see you next week.

eRead Africa Summer Program Day 17

You can find the blog post here ->

This is Truston Ailende. I am the CEO at Dreamquest Multimedia and the Scratch Instructor at eRead Africa. This is my report on the eRead Africa Summer Program 2015 Day 17

eRead Africa Summer Program Day 16

You can find the blog post here ->

This is Truston Ailende. I am the CEO at Dreamquest Multimedia and the Scratch Instructor at eRead Africa. This is my report on the eRead Africa Summer Program 2015 Day 16

eRead Africa Summer Program Day 10

You can find the blog post here ->

This is Truston Ailende. I am the CEO at Dreamquest Multimedia and the Scratch Instructor at eRead Africa. This is my report on the eRead Africa Summer Program 2015 Day 10

eRead Africa Summer Program Day 9

You can find the blog post here ->

This is Truston Ailende. I am the CEO at Dreamquest Multimedia and the Scratch Instructor at eRead Africa. This is my report on the eRead Africa Summer Program 2015 Day 9

eRead Africa Summer Program Day 8

You can find the blog post here ->

This is Truston Ailende. I am the CEO at Dreamquest Multimedia and the Scratch Instructor at eRead Africa. This is my report on the eRead Africa Summer Program 2015 Day 8

eRead Africa Summer Program Day 7


Today was a continuation of yesterday. We did the Launcher Game from the Google CS First Game Design section. Having completed the basic program yesterday, today was shaped around them completing the game.

The students opened their Scratch program and I explained what to do and got out of the way. Then the moment of truth. A class usually quietens once the students are engaged and as a teacher, you get to observe the process of creation as logic turns to code.

Some students solved the problems while others needed help. Overall, I am impressed with the progress the kids are making in class.

Maybe because they are making games this week.

This is Truston Ailende. I am the CEO at Dreamquest Multimedia and the Scratch Instructor at eRead Africa. This is my report on the eRead Africa Summer Program 2015 Day 7

eRead Africa Summer Program Day 6


Welcome to a new week. My experience in organizing training programs have shown that the hardest week is usually the first week.

This is because the environment is just forming and the kids are getting used to the new environment and each other. After the first week, everyone has an expectation level set and it is easy to prepare mentally for classes because you now have an idea of what to expect.

Today we created a Launcher game in Scratch. It is a project from the Google CS First Game Design curriculum. Thanks to the introduction to Scratch last week, my only task was to give them the notes and get out of their way.

I was truly impressed to see the kids work with the information given to them and could complete the assigned task without too much help.

At the end of the day, the kids were successful in creating their games and solving some of the problems given to them. I was truly impressed.

This is Truston Ailende. I am the CEO at Dreamquest Multimedia and the Scratch Instructor at eRead Africa. This is my report on the eRead Africa Summer Program 2015 Day 6